Pull Along Dinosaur
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72,00 kr.
86,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 116,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 116,00 kr.
Ved valg af medlemspris vælger du et medlemskab og betaler kun medlemspriser og får adgang til alle medlemsfordele. Prisen for et medlemskab er kun 168 DKK mdr. og så har du adgang til alle vores fordele.
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Man - Tors: 09:00 - 11:30
This pull-along dinosaur from Scandinavian Baby Products is perfect for keeping your little one entertained and on the move. With its adorable design, your child will love pushing or pulling this dinosaur across the floor.
The rattle sounds in all four wheels add an extra element of fun and excitement. As your child rolls the dinosaur, they'll be rewarded with gentle rattling noises, encouraging them to keep going.
But that's not all! The dinosaur also features activity wheels in its belly. These wheels are designed to engage your baby's curious mind and develop their fine motor skills. Your little one will have a blast spinning and exploring the different activities on the dinosaur's belly.
Not only is this pull-along dinosaur a great toy for entertainment, but it also helps with your baby's physical development. By pushing or pulling the dinosaur, your child will be encouraged to take those first steps and explore their environment.
Scandinavian Baby Products ensures that this pull-along dinosaur is safe for your little one. It is made from high-quality materials that are built to withstand playtime. The design is also child-friendly, with no small parts that could pose a choking hazard.
So let's get rolling with this adorable pull-along dinosaur from Scandinavian Baby Products. Watch as your baby is motivated to move forward, explore, and have a roaring good time!