Keep Cozy™ Grow with Me Rocking Seat - Spruce™
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485,00 kr.
582,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 731,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 731,00 kr.
Ved valg af medlemspris vælger du et medlemskab og betaler kun medlemspriser og får adgang til alle medlemsfordele. Prisen for et medlemskab er kun 168 DKK mdr. og så har du adgang til alle vores fordele.
Varenummer: ININ8082
Lager: På lager
Produktet ovenfor ligger på fjernlager. Du skal derfor forvente levering indenfor 3-14 hverdage.
Lager: På lager
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Man - Tors: 09:00 - 11:30
The Ingenuity™ Keep Cozy™ 3-in-1 Grow with Me™ Bounce & Rock Seat is a versatile baby seat that can be enjoyed for years. It offers three different modes - bouncing, rocking, or a stationary seat - to suit your baby's preferences as they grow.
For newborns, the seat provides soothing vibrations and two reclining positions to keep them comfortable and secure. The included removable infant bolster adds extra support and helps create a snug environment for your little one.
As your child grows and develops, the seat will become their favorite spot in the house. It is designed to accommodate infants and toddlers up to 18 kg, ensuring it will last for years to come.
The Keep Cozy™ also includes a detachable hanging toy to provide entertainment and stimulation during playtime at home or on the go.
With its soft and neutral design, the seat blends seamlessly into your home decor. You can feel comfortable leaving it out for anyone to see, knowing it will fit right in.
Overall, the Ingenuity™ Keep Cozy™ 3-in-1 Grow with Me™ Bounce & Rock Seat is a versatile and long-lasting baby seat that grows with your child, providing comfort, security, and entertainment for years to come.