Lego 75257 Star Wars Millennium Falcon
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959,00 kr.
1.151,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 1.230,00 kr.
Vejl. pris: 1.230,00 kr.
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Man - Tors: 09:00 - 11:30
The LEGO® Star Wars™ model 75257 Millennium Falcon is a fantastic source of inspiration for both children and adults alike. This meticulously designed brick-built rendition of the iconic Corellian freighter is packed with intricate features, including rotating top and bottom gun turrets, two spring-loaded shooters, a lowering ramp, and an opening cockpit that comfortably accommodates two minifigures. Moreover, this set boasts the ability to open its top panels outward, unveiling a meticulously detailed interior perfect for reenacting scenes from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with characters like Finn, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Boolio, C-3PO, R2-D2, and DO. With its collector's appeal, the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon is a must-have for any avid fan of the franchise.
This extraordinary set includes a total of seven LEGO® Star Wars™ figures, featuring minifigures representing Finn, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Lando Calrissian, Boolio, and two LEGO droid figures—R2-D2 and DO. On the exterior, the Millennium Falcon model showcases a wealth of details, including rotating top and bottom turrets (the lower turret can house two minifigures), two spring-operated shooters, a lowering ramp, and a spacious cockpit that can comfortably hold two minifigures. The interior of the ship is equally impressive, with features such as a cargo area complete with canisters, a navigational computer with a swivel chair, a sofa, a dejarik holo game, a galley, bunk beds, a concealed contraband compartment, and a hyperdrive equipped with repair tools.
Weaponry includes Chewbacca's stud-firing bowcaster, Finn's blaster, and Lando's blaster, ensuring endless possibilities for reenacting scenes from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with this legendary Corellian freighter. This captivating set is suitable for ages 9 and up, comprises 1,353 parts, and measures 582mm x 87mm x 378mm, making it a truly remarkable addition to the LEGO Star Wars collection.
5” (14cm) high, 17” (44cm) long and 12” (32cm) wide.